Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wind, Wind go away, come back another year!

Well Travis Wilky, a former professional cyclist that's on our team decided to do a "tempo" ride this afternoon and asked me to join him. Now for Travis a "tempo" ride is ride at a pace that hurts almost to the point of throwing up. For some reason he invited my fat ass to join him and for an even dumber reason I said yes! Well I figured I needed someone to join us so I would have a voice of reason when Travis was putting a whipping on me and I invited Jason Newman to join the party.
Now anyone that knows me knows that I do stupid shit all the time and today was no different. Asking Jason to join the ride was like asking a match to guard the gasoline, can you say explosion!
So we met up and headed out into a nice little 20mph wind, which after Sundays hurricane really did not feel that bad, at first! Not more than a mile into the ride we hit some glass on the road that was probably a broken beer bottle from one of the 43,000 rednecks that live in Round Rock and bam, flat tire.
So after a not so quick tube change and CO2 refill, we head out on Travis's 2 hr "tempo" ride.
Well I usually need about 20 minutes to get good and warmed up but today 20 minutes came around 5 minutes instead. Travis is just hammering away like he was late for an all you can eat buffet and I am already getting dropped like 10th grade french class.
I feel kinda bad because Jason is in his element riding right on Travis's rear wheel, while I am just a blip in their rear view mirrors. At least they slowed up at each intersection to wait for me! Otherwise I would probably still be out there trying to figure out which way they went.
As we ride, well more correctly, as Jason and Travis ride and I ride alone, the wind gets stronger and stronger until I have to resort to riding in the name of my blog "Down in the Drops". I find myself in that position more and more these days. Old age is not being kind to me! Neither are all the hamburgers I eat either!
So for the rest of the "tempo" ride Jason and Travis make me chase them around farm fields, and back country roads and places that I am sure are pretty at certain times of the year but today with water in my eyes from the stupid freaking wind and pain in my legs from my hill ride last night,they looked as ugly as Hiedi Flyss and smelled just as bad I am sure.
2 hours later we finish and as a reward for all my pain and suffering, we head out to Serrano's for some good ol Tex-Mex food. I don't know how good it really was, but I didn't leave hungry that's for sure.
I may be a Cat 4 on a bicycle but I am a Cat 1 at the dinner table! Everyone has a special talent, the idea is to find yours. I know what mine is!

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